Understanding Lens Basics

Understanding Lens Basics

Get to know your camera’s BFF from inside to out with our guide to lens basics! If you’re new to photography or just have a new lens, you might not know what all the bits and pieces of your lens are there for. We’ll help you identify what this switch does, decode those lens numbers…

Sigma 35mm f/1.4 Art lens review – Is it worth the hype?

Sigma 35mm f/1.4 Art lens review – Is it worth the hype?

Photographers everywhere rave about their Sigma Art lenses.  But is the Sigma 35mm f/1.4 Art lens worth the hype? When I needed a fast 35mm lens for my kit, I settled on the Sigma 35mm f/1.4 Art lens. It wasn’t without reservations. I’d read reviews but my experience with Sigma lenses was less than satisfactory. After…

Best Newborn Photography Props – Our Top 10 List

Best Newborn Photography Props – Our Top 10 List

From blankets and buckets to ribbons and bows…here are some items to stash on your list of best newborn photography props! Having a gorgeous newborn in your studio is a treat. Their sleepy smiles and tiny little noses are pure perfection in and of themselves. But experienced newborn photographers know that having some additional props…

Understanding Lens Filters

Understanding Lens Filters

What lens filters do you need and why?  We’ll give you the basics! Have you ever heard a photographer talk about using a lens filter but didn’t really understand what that meant?  You’re not alone!  Lens filters are simple in design but can have many different functions.  They are also incredibly useful for getting your…

What’s a gray card and why should you get one?

What’s a gray card and why should you get one?

Nail exposure and white balance with the inexpensive, practically primitive, gray card Do you struggle setting white balance during sessions?  How about nailing exposure with or without a flash?  If I told you that I could solve both your problems for less than $25, would you believe me?  It’s true.  With the help of the…

Everything you needed to know about choosing a camera strap

Everything you needed to know about choosing a camera strap

Hand strap, cross-body strap or harness? Here’s what you need to know before choosing a camera strap! I never really gave much thought to my camera strap.  I left the default yellow and black strap on my Nikon for years.  But after really getting bit by the photography bug, I decided a padded strap was…

The Ultimate Introduction to Baby Photography

The Ultimate Introduction to Baby Photography

Crawl before you walk!  We’re starting at the beginning of baby photography to start your growth spurt in this industry off right! Baby photography is not for the faint of heart.  It requires patience, stamina, a gentle touch and a strong stomach.  But if snuggling, shushing and swaddling make your heart clench in absolute joy,…

The Highly Recommended Nifty Fifty Lens – What’s so special?

The Highly Recommended Nifty Fifty Lens – What’s so special?

What’s so nifty about the fifty?  Let’s find out! It’s inexpensive, easy to use and optically sound.  So what’s not to love about a 50mm nifty fifty lens? In a word, nothing. There is a reason the 50mm lens is nicknamed the “nifty-fifty.”  Learn why this lens is one just about every photographer owns and…

Best Macro Lens for Photographers: The Ultimate Introduction

Best Macro Lens for Photographers: The Ultimate Introduction

What’s the best macro lens for your kit?  Read this first! Macro photography can be a lot of fun to shoot.  There is just something fascinating about seeing tiny details at life-size.  There’s a whole teeny, tiny world out there waiting for an explorer like you! The problem?  To uncover these bijou realms, you need…

The 70-200mm lens – 5 reasons to stop thinking and just buy it already!

The 70-200mm lens – 5 reasons to stop thinking and just buy it already!

The workhorse 70-200mm lens should be on just about every photographer’s must-have list Are you on the fence about purchasing a 70-200 mm lens?  Worried about the cost?  The weight?  Whether it’s a good lens?  I can’t make these lenses get any cheaper or heavier, but I can alleviate your concerns about it being a…

Photo Storage Solutions to Prevent Catastrophe

Photo Storage Solutions to Prevent Catastrophe

Create a photo storage plan and eliminate your worst nightmare of lost images! Losing an image is hard.  Disappointing clients is worse.  But telling a client you’ve lost ALL their images is a freaking nightmare.  It’s a worst-case scenario that scares photographers to death and keeps us up nights.  Would your business survive a photo…

Monitor calibration: What is it and why do I need it?

Monitor calibration: What is it and why do I need it?

Use monitor calibration for better client images and prints This is how my first journey down the rabbit hole of monitor calibration began. “Were you going for a really warm portrait stylistically?  Because your images lately have been really yellow.” This was a Facebook message I got from a pro photographer friend about six years…

Wide Angle Lens – Expand Your Horizons

Wide Angle Lens – Expand Your Horizons

Learn why a quality wide angle lens is a must for any landscape, street or event photographer to keep in their kit. Has a scenic vista ever captivated your imagination?  Maybe you’ve tried shooting family pictures in tight quarters?  Or do you love that in your face view of street photography?  If you’ve said yes…

The 3 P’s: Newborn Posing, Props, and Precautions

The 3 P’s: Newborn Posing, Props, and Precautions

What parent can resist the stunning beauty of the images created during a newborn posing photo session? Learn the basics of newborn photography here, because we all know end result is worth the work! Those chubby cheeks, and the pure serenity of a sleeping baby is irresistible. Parents go through this tricky process days after…

What is Birth Photography?

What is Birth Photography?

One of the biggest milestones in a parent’s life is the day their little baby first enters this world. The best way to preserve those memories are though birth photography. Between the anxiety of baby finally coming and hoping the birthing process goes smoothly, parents can quickly forget some of the incredible details on baby’s…