What is a CPL Filter? (And When To Use One)

What is a CPL Filter? (And When To Use One)

Circular polarizing filters are popular among landscape photographers. These glass filters reduce glare and reflection and help you capture deep colors, stunning skies, and transparent bodies of water. Here is what you need to know about how a circular polarizer filter works and how to get the best results when working with light polarization. What…

Lightroom vs Photoshop – Which Do You Need?

Lightroom vs Photoshop – Which Do You Need?

If you are serious about digital photography, at some point you will find yourself needing to edit your images. There are many photo editing software out on the market, but the two most popular are Photoshop and Lightroom. They’re both made by Adobe and have a lot of similarities, so you may find yourself wondering…

What’s a gray card and why should you get one?

What’s a gray card and why should you get one?

Nail exposure and white balance with the inexpensive, practically primitive, gray card Do you struggle setting white balance during sessions?  How about nailing exposure with or without a flash?  If I told you that I could solve both your problems for less than $25, would you believe me?  It’s true.  With the help of the…

Finding and Relinking Missing Lightroom Photos: Crisis Averted

Finding and Relinking Missing Lightroom Photos: Crisis Averted

Don’t panic.  Your images probably aren’t really gone, they are just missing from Lightroom. It’s happened to just about all of us at one point.  We open Lightroom, start scrolling through our images and we get it.  The dreaded punctuation of despair.  That little symbol in the upper right-hand corner of our images (exclamation mark)…

Lightroom vs Lightroom Classic: Which version is your champion?

Lightroom vs Lightroom Classic: Which version is your champion?

Lightroom Classic or Lightroom CC. What’s the difference and which one do I want for my photo editing needs? Learning photography can be confusing.  So can learning editing. And now to further muddy these new waters, Adobe offers two new versions of Lightroom. And in a fun twist when it comes to versions of Lightroom,…

Everything you needed to know about choosing a camera strap

Everything you needed to know about choosing a camera strap

Hand strap, cross-body strap or harness? Here’s what you need to know before choosing a camera strap! I never really gave much thought to my camera strap.  I left the default yellow and black strap on my Nikon for years.  But after really getting bit by the photography bug, I decided a padded strap was…

Photo Storage Solutions to Prevent Catastrophe

Photo Storage Solutions to Prevent Catastrophe

Create a photo storage plan and eliminate your worst nightmare of lost images! Losing an image is hard.  Disappointing clients is worse.  But telling a client you’ve lost ALL their images is a freaking nightmare.  It’s a worst-case scenario that scares photographers to death and keeps us up nights.  Would your business survive a photo…

Monitor calibration: What is it and why do I need it?

Monitor calibration: What is it and why do I need it?

Use monitor calibration for better client images and prints This is how my first journey down the rabbit hole of monitor calibration began. “Were you going for a really warm portrait stylistically?  Because your images lately have been really yellow.” This was a Facebook message I got from a pro photographer friend about six years…

Lightroom Presets for Fashion Bloggers: The What, Where and Why!

Lightroom Presets for Fashion Bloggers: The What, Where and Why!

Put your best foot forward with Lightroom Presets for Fashion Bloggers! If you’re a professional photographer, Lightroom Presets are part of your everyday vernacular.  But if you’re a fashion blogger first and photographer second, the Adobe Lightroom software and its tools, known as presets, might be a foreign concept.  This article will break down the…

Adding to Your Arsenal: The Neutral Density Filter

Adding to Your Arsenal: The Neutral Density Filter

What the heck is a neutral density filter? Read below for our simple explanation! With so many tools and accessories available to photographers, it can be difficult to determine which ones to add to your photography bag. Neutral density filters are a great addition for photographers that shoot in harsh light or want more creative…

Lightroom Presets vs. Photoshop Actions: Which is better?

Lightroom Presets vs. Photoshop Actions: Which is better?

Have you been wondering if Lightroom Presets and Photoshop Actions could help you with your workflow? Here is a helpful overview to give you some insight into the two options. When it comes to photography image editing, Lightroom and Photoshop are the go-to choices for professionals in the photography industry. Each program supports post-production workflow…

Why You Should be Backing up Photos!

Why You Should be Backing up Photos!

Backing up your photos is a must these days. Since there are no longer hard copies of photos, digital copies of photographs must be guarded like gold. In this article, I will explain why it is so important to keep your files in multiple places. I will also talk about different ways that you can…

How To Recover An SD Card: Our Tips for SD Card Recovery

How To Recover An SD Card: Our Tips for SD Card Recovery

Have You Ever Found Yourself Needing SD Card Recovery? In this article, I’m going to talk about a devastating situation most of us might have been through. And  if you have, you will immediately relate to what I felt in this situation. But luckily, I’m going to show you how to fix the problem. So,…

5 Easy Steps for Organizing Your Lightroom Catalogue

5 Easy Steps for Organizing Your Lightroom Catalogue

Nothing feels better than being organized! When you have a place for everything, and put things where they belong it frees up your mind to focus on other things. At least, this is my philosophy when it comes to organizing my photos. You won’t believe how much organizing your Lightroom catalogue will improve your workflow!…