Mastering Social Media Photography Strategies

Mastering Social Media Photography Strategies

Are you confused about social media photography and how it all works? You’re not alone, this area of business in nuanced and can take a little time to understand it all. Has social media strategies got you banging your head on the table? You’ve come to the right place to get it sorted out. We’ve…

Instagram Photography: Put the social media app to work for your business

Instagram Photography: Put the social media app to work for your business

With a little know-how and dedication, you can harness the power of Instagram photography to grow your business Instagram is the app that made everyone a photographer.  But now, it’s making dedicated, professional photographers more successful in finding clients and building relationships.  So let’s talk about instagram photography, hashtags and how and why you might…

Social Media Image Sizes

Social Media Image Sizes

What are the right social media sizes for 2023?  Here’s an updated guide! Have you ever posted an image to social media, only to find it looks awful in your feed?  Or maybe you’ve tried to access an image in someone else’s feed and it was cropped weird or just showed up really small.  Chances…

How to Organize Pictures: 4 Workflow Methods for Photographers

How to Organize Pictures: 4 Workflow Methods for Photographers

Get your act together to organize pictures now using one of these four methods and save time and frustration down the road. A local business calls and asks if you have some images they could use in an advertisement.  They’ve seen your work and are interested in a beautiful sunset shot on the river from…

Boudoir Photography: Beginners Guide to Rocking Your First Shoot

Boudoir Photography: Beginners Guide to Rocking Your First Shoot

Boudoir photography has a bit of an unfair reputation. Either it’s looked down upon as being improper or it’s put on a pedestal because it’s perceived as only for women with the “right” body shape. I can think of a dozen reasons why others think boudoir photography is wrong. So why does it still exist…

Best Photography Apps for Android and iPhone: Personal Assistant Edition

Best Photography Apps for Android and iPhone: Personal Assistant Edition

How do professional photographers keep everything organized? Between the appointments, advertising, social media sharing, and accounting there is so much to keep track of. Luckily we’ve compiled a list of the best photography apps out there to keep you organized AND provide you with helpful information when planning your shoots. What apps do professional photographers…

Best Photo Apps for Android and iPhone: Photo Editing Edition

Best Photo Apps for Android and iPhone: Photo Editing Edition

Do you have some free time away from home and wish you could edit some photos on your computer? We’ve got great news! There are a plethora of mobile apps available to edit on the go. We’ve compiled a list of the best photo apps available to photographers on Android and iPhone. No computers needed….

Has Social Media Helped or Hurt the Photography Industry?

Has Social Media Helped or Hurt the Photography Industry?

We live in a society of constant communication. We’re plugged in to everyone from our loved ones to celebrities broadcasting their day to day happenings in an unending stream of hashtags and filtered photographs. Now that Instagram has joined society and decided to “screw the square,” let’s discuss the liberated rectangular elephant in the room:…

The Key to a Blazing Fast Lightroom Workflow

The Key to a Blazing Fast Lightroom Workflow

We all want to edit our photos faster.  Perhaps you are tired of spending 5 minutes (or more) per photo in Photoshop or maybe you are fumbling your way through Lightroom and you know there has to be a better way… At any rate – I have yet to meet someone who isn’t looking to…

What Exactly is a Lightroom Workflow?

What Exactly is a Lightroom Workflow?

For many of us seasoned photographers it can become quite easy to throw around terminology and words as if we all are speaking a brand new language but the truth is, not everyone knows that language… This quick post is to do one thing and one thing only – give you insight into what exactly…

6 Rules to Follow for a Faster Photo Editing Workflow

6 Rules to Follow for a Faster Photo Editing Workflow

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again… Becoming more efficient with your time and having a fast post processing photo editing workflow is the number one way to keep your business costs down and boost your profits. Do you agree? If you agree that having a fast Lightroom editing workflow is so important…

What is Adobe Creative Cloud & How it Affects You!

What is Adobe Creative Cloud & How it Affects You!

By now you likely have heard a lot of chatter on the web discussing Adobe Creative Cloud.  In fact – odds are whatever you have heard surrounding the Adobe Creative Cloud, it has been negative since many Adobe customers are up in arms.  This post is to give you insight into what exactly is Adobe…