Do I need a battery grip? And other questions on camera accessories

Do I need a battery grip? And other questions on camera accessories

Battery grips.  Filters.  Memory cards.  Sort out what’s necessary and what’s nice to have when it comes to camera accessories To be a professional photographer, you only really need a camera, lens and a memory card or some film.  That’s it.  The rest of the equipment out there simply makes life easier, enhances your images…

Everything you needed to know about choosing a camera strap

Everything you needed to know about choosing a camera strap

Hand strap, cross-body strap or harness? Here’s what you need to know before choosing a camera strap! I never really gave much thought to my camera strap.  I left the default yellow and black strap on my Nikon for years.  But after really getting bit by the photography bug, I decided a padded strap was…

The Highly Recommended Nifty Fifty Lens – What’s so special?

The Highly Recommended Nifty Fifty Lens – What’s so special?

What’s so nifty about the fifty?  Let’s find out! It’s inexpensive, easy to use and optically sound.  So what’s not to love about a 50mm nifty fifty lens? In a word, nothing. There is a reason the 50mm lens is nicknamed the “nifty-fifty.”  Learn why this lens is one just about every photographer owns and…

Best Macro Lens for Photographers: The Ultimate Introduction

Best Macro Lens for Photographers: The Ultimate Introduction

What’s the best macro lens for your kit?  Read this first! Macro photography can be a lot of fun to shoot.  There is just something fascinating about seeing tiny details at life-size.  There’s a whole teeny, tiny world out there waiting for an explorer like you! The problem?  To uncover these bijou realms, you need…

Best Kids Cameras: Recommendations for Your Fledgling Photographer!

Best Kids Cameras: Recommendations for Your Fledgling Photographer!

Outfit your favorite shutterbug with one of these best kids cameras! Do you have a budding photographer in your ranks?  It’s never too early for kids to fall in love with photography.  But what are the best kids cameras available right now?  Should you get something simple?  Something a young photographer can grow into?  Something…

The 70-200mm lens – 5 reasons to stop thinking and just buy it already!

The 70-200mm lens – 5 reasons to stop thinking and just buy it already!

The workhorse 70-200mm lens should be on just about every photographer’s must-have list Are you on the fence about purchasing a 70-200 mm lens?  Worried about the cost?  The weight?  Whether it’s a good lens?  I can’t make these lenses get any cheaper or heavier, but I can alleviate your concerns about it being a…

Photo Storage Solutions to Prevent Catastrophe

Photo Storage Solutions to Prevent Catastrophe

Create a photo storage plan and eliminate your worst nightmare of lost images! Losing an image is hard.  Disappointing clients is worse.  But telling a client you’ve lost ALL their images is a freaking nightmare.  It’s a worst-case scenario that scares photographers to death and keeps us up nights.  Would your business survive a photo…

Monitor calibration: What is it and why do I need it?

Monitor calibration: What is it and why do I need it?

Use monitor calibration for better client images and prints This is how my first journey down the rabbit hole of monitor calibration began. “Were you going for a really warm portrait stylistically?  Because your images lately have been really yellow.” This was a Facebook message I got from a pro photographer friend about six years…

Wide Angle Lens – Expand Your Horizons

Wide Angle Lens – Expand Your Horizons

Learn why a quality wide angle lens is a must for any landscape, street or event photographer to keep in their kit. Has a scenic vista ever captivated your imagination?  Maybe you’ve tried shooting family pictures in tight quarters?  Or do you love that in your face view of street photography?  If you’ve said yes…

How to Choose the Best Canon Camera for You

How to Choose the Best Canon Camera for You

Canon fans raise your hands! We found the best Canon camera just for you! Either you’ve heard good things about Canon and you don’t know which camera to get, or you love Canon and want to upgrade your camera to something better (and you also don’t know which camera to get). Either way, we’ve got some…

Tokina 100 mm f/2.8 macro lens review: Amazing images, budget price

Tokina 100 mm f/2.8 macro lens review: Amazing images, budget price

A Tokina 100mm f/2.8 macro lens review and my new love affair. This Tokina 100mm f/2.8 macro lens review is not sexy, which is fitting considering the lens itself it’s very sexy.  You don’t hear a lot of people raving about it on photography sites.  Like the proverbial nice guy, it often gets overlooked by…

Adding to Your Arsenal: The Neutral Density Filter

Adding to Your Arsenal: The Neutral Density Filter

What the heck is a neutral density filter? Read below for our simple explanation! With so many tools and accessories available to photographers, it can be difficult to determine which ones to add to your photography bag. Neutral density filters are a great addition for photographers that shoot in harsh light or want more creative…

Lens Hood Explained: Everything you Ever Wanted to Know!

Lens Hood Explained: Everything you Ever Wanted to Know!

Wondering what that hood is that comes with your camera lens? Read on for more on your lens hood! A lens hood is a very common photography accessory that is often misunderstood. They can be extremely helpful in protecting the front of your lens, as well as controlling lens flare. This article covers the main…

Starting Out: What Is The Best Beginner Camera For You?

Starting Out: What Is The Best Beginner Camera For You?

The Dilemma: Choosing The Best Beginner Camera in a World Full of Options. Which One is For You? This is a question that gets asked regularly, so let’s get clear right from the start friends. The best beginner camera for you, is not going to be the same as the best beginner camera for somebody…