How Much Should You Charge for Your Photography?

How Much Should You Charge for Your Photography?

Note: This is an excerpt from the 19 page photography pricing guide – “Pricing Yourself for Success“. Without a doubt the hardest piece of the pricing puzzle is knowing how much you should charge for your photography.   There is plenty of information on the web that makes it seem very formulaic and with some simple…

Photographer Pricing Strategies: Packages vs a La Carte

Photographer Pricing Strategies: Packages vs a La Carte

One of the most common questions I see in various online photography forums is related to the topic of pricing. Have you ever asked yourself: am I charging too much?  Am I charging too little?  There are many variables that all play a role into knowing what the “right” answer is and also which pricing…

Photo Editing 101: Edit Quicker by Batch Editing in Lightroom!

Photo Editing 101: Edit Quicker by Batch Editing in Lightroom!

Ever wonder if there is a faster way to edit in Lightroom? There is! Here’s our guide to batch editing in Lightroom! Ahem…photo editing is surely a topic that everyone loves to talk about.  Most of us photographers prefer to spend our time creatively working behind the camera, out in the field, and breathing fresh…