What is the Difference Between Capture One Vs Lightroom?

What is the Difference Between Capture One Vs Lightroom?

Adobe Lightroom and Capture One are two popular software options for professional photographers. These editing programs are must-have tools to create quality photographs, and investing in one of these software solutions will help you take your photography to the next level. You might be wondering whether you should invest in Capture One or Lightroom. We…

Lightroom vs Photoshop – Which Do You Need?

Lightroom vs Photoshop – Which Do You Need?

If you are serious about digital photography, at some point you will find yourself needing to edit your images. There are many photo editing software out on the market, but the two most popular are Photoshop and Lightroom. They’re both made by Adobe and have a lot of similarities, so you may find yourself wondering…

Best Newborn Photography Props – Our Top 10 List

Best Newborn Photography Props – Our Top 10 List

From blankets and buckets to ribbons and bows…here are some items to stash on your list of best newborn photography props! Having a gorgeous newborn in your studio is a treat. Their sleepy smiles and tiny little noses are pure perfection in and of themselves. But experienced newborn photographers know that having some additional props…

Finding and Relinking Missing Lightroom Photos: Crisis Averted

Finding and Relinking Missing Lightroom Photos: Crisis Averted

Don’t panic.  Your images probably aren’t really gone, they are just missing from Lightroom. It’s happened to just about all of us at one point.  We open Lightroom, start scrolling through our images and we get it.  The dreaded punctuation of despair.  That little symbol in the upper right-hand corner of our images (exclamation mark)…

Lightroom vs Lightroom Classic: Which version is your champion?

Lightroom vs Lightroom Classic: Which version is your champion?

Lightroom Classic or Lightroom CC. What’s the difference and which one do I want for my photo editing needs? Learning photography can be confusing.  So can learning editing. And now to further muddy these new waters, Adobe offers two new versions of Lightroom. And in a fun twist when it comes to versions of Lightroom,…

The Ultimate Introduction to Baby Photography

The Ultimate Introduction to Baby Photography

Crawl before you walk!  We’re starting at the beginning of baby photography to start your growth spurt in this industry off right! Baby photography is not for the faint of heart.  It requires patience, stamina, a gentle touch and a strong stomach.  But if snuggling, shushing and swaddling make your heart clench in absolute joy,…

The 3 P’s: Newborn Posing, Props, and Precautions

The 3 P’s: Newborn Posing, Props, and Precautions

What parent can resist the stunning beauty of the images created during a newborn posing photo session? Learn the basics of newborn photography here, because we all know end result is worth the work! Those chubby cheeks, and the pure serenity of a sleeping baby is irresistible. Parents go through this tricky process days after…

What is Birth Photography?

What is Birth Photography?

One of the biggest milestones in a parent’s life is the day their little baby first enters this world. The best way to preserve those memories are though birth photography. Between the anxiety of baby finally coming and hoping the birthing process goes smoothly, parents can quickly forget some of the incredible details on baby’s…

Lightroom Presets for Fashion Bloggers: The What, Where and Why!

Lightroom Presets for Fashion Bloggers: The What, Where and Why!

Put your best foot forward with Lightroom Presets for Fashion Bloggers! If you’re a professional photographer, Lightroom Presets are part of your everyday vernacular.  But if you’re a fashion blogger first and photographer second, the Adobe Lightroom software and its tools, known as presets, might be a foreign concept.  This article will break down the…

Shutter Speed: The Most Useful Setting for Great Sports Photography

Shutter Speed: The Most Useful Setting for Great Sports Photography

 Interested in sports photography?! We’ve got you covered! Typically, the name of the game in sports photography is being able to capture intense action and freeze a moment in time. Many people will ask, “What settings are best for sports photography?” As in any type of photography, the exact settings will depend on many variables…

Lightroom Presets vs. Photoshop Actions: Which is better?

Lightroom Presets vs. Photoshop Actions: Which is better?

Have you been wondering if Lightroom Presets and Photoshop Actions could help you with your workflow? Here is a helpful overview to give you some insight into the two options. When it comes to photography image editing, Lightroom and Photoshop are the go-to choices for professionals in the photography industry. Each program supports post-production workflow…

7 One Month Baby Photography Tips For Cute Photos!

7 One Month Baby Photography Tips For Cute Photos!

Introduction In this article, I am going to give you some practical ideas to help with one-month babies photography. I will also try to guide you in newborn baby photography in general and give some pointers I have learned over the years. There is no need to be afraid of newborn photography and the results…

5 Questions to Ask Before You Start Newborn Photography

5 Questions to Ask Before You Start Newborn Photography

Have you been thinking about starting newborn photography? Here are 5 crucial questions you need to ask before you start! For those of you who have thought about shooting newborns, but haven’t taken that leap yet – you probably have a lot of questions before jumping in to this new niche. Maybe you’re not sure…

The 2 Best Newborn Photography Lenses Everyone Must Have!

The 2 Best Newborn Photography Lenses Everyone Must Have!

Have you ever wondered if you’re using the BEST newborn photography lenses? This is one of the number one questions we hear when it comes to newborn photography.  If you’re just getting started in the newborn niche, you’ll no doubt be wondering if you have the right lenses to capture those precious little babies. Or if you’re already…