Determine Your Boudoir Photography Pricing Structure

Determine Your Boudoir Photography Pricing Structure

If you’ve recently contemplated adding boudoir shoots to your services, you’ve most likely realized that boudoir photography pricing can be challenging. But don’t worry. Once you determine a few things, I promise you’ll figure out just what you need to price your boudoir sessions. So let’s start with the average cost of a boudoir photographer….

Your Comprehensive Family Photography Pricing Guide

Your Comprehensive Family Photography Pricing Guide

Many family photographers are great at documenting memories but when it comes to pricing our photography services, we can agree that at one point or another pricing our family photography services was a struggle.  If you’re struggling with pricing your photography services just know you’re not alone. That’s right, *exhale*, many photographers have admitted that…

4 Easy Tips to Help you Plan Mini Sessions

4 Easy Tips to Help you Plan Mini Sessions

Mini sessions are a great way to give clients a short preview of what it’s like to work with you. But how do we successfully plan mini sessions? If you’ve ever hosted a mini session, you most likely hosted it during a certain season and depending on the amount of sessions you book, it can…