Find Your Focus Podcast: Episode 24

Find Your Focus Podcast: Episode 24

Getting Your Life Back – Simple Systems to Save You Time in Your Business with Dahlia Orth, System Strategy Academy. Episode 24: Show Notes. Stress is one of those things that can take the joy out of your photography career, but implementing good systems can help reduce it. Nobody understands systems as well as Dahlia…

Best Camera Accessories (Coffee is Optional)

Best Camera Accessories (Coffee is Optional)

Whether you’ve ever been to a camera store or are shopping online, there’s a vast variety of camera accessories–everything from bags to tripods to lenses to filters. It all gets a bit overwhelming. Finding the best camera accessories, either as a gift for a photographer or personal use, can be challenging. On top of that,…

How to Make Money With Photography

How to Make Money With Photography

You picked up a camera and within a few clicks, you fell in love.  People, flowers, wildlife, weddings… no matter the genre, you are LOVING photographing it.  But now you wonder…Can photography make me money?  The answer is yes, you can make money from photography.  The question then is how can you make money?  In…

Our Picks for the Best Lightweight Tripod

Our Picks for the Best Lightweight Tripod

The best thing about photography is that you can take with you wherever you go. In fact, many photographers double as quite the adventurers, carrying their gear with them to capture never-before-seen sights and wonders all around the world.   Essential to capturing moments both near and far is a reliable tripod. We can all agree…

The Battle of Storage Servers: Synology or Drobo

The Battle of Storage Servers: Synology or Drobo

Whether you’re a professional photographer or an avid hobbyist, you’re going to eventually need somewhere to store all your photos—such as a NAS server. At first glance, picking between the best NAS like Synology and Drobo can seem intimidating, especially with all the technical jargon.  Both come with great reputations, but the right choice for…

Best Budget Tripod for Every Photographer

Best Budget Tripod for Every Photographer

Tripods as a concept are simple: they provide a stable foundation to rest your camera on as you work. Despite that simplicity, though, shopping for one can be complicated as there are many options out there. Finding a quality option whenever trying to purchase on a tight budget can also be tricky. Thankfully, you don’t…

What is the Best HDR Software?

What is the Best HDR Software?

High Dynamic Range photography (HDR photography) is a popular technique used to capture a wide range of lights and darks. Essentially, it alters a photograph’s dynamic range. The dynamic range is the complete spectrum of light and dark in a photo. Different types of cameras have different ranges. When the camera can’t accurately capture the…

What’s The Best ND Filter Option on the Market?

What’s The Best ND Filter Option on the Market?

Photographers everywhere have a difficult relationship with light. Light is necessary to make images, but if there’s too much light, shots with all but the most limited exposure times will appear to be washed out. Neutral density filters bridge the gap between ambient lighting and short exposure times by reducing the overall amount of light…

How to Copyright an Image or Photograph [Beginners Guide]

How to Copyright an Image or Photograph [Beginners Guide]

Knowing how to copyright a photo can save you a bit of time and money, but you must understand the process and the full implications. Not all images need copyright protection in the United States, but you’ll want to make sure you have legal recourse should someone use your images without permission. Copyright and Applications…

Lexar vs. Sandisk: The Guide to Which SD Card is Best

Lexar vs. Sandisk: The Guide to Which SD Card is Best

There aren’t many reliable card manufacturers that make cards and other storage for high-end digital cameras. Of this small field, Lexar and Sandisk are near the top in terms of overall card performance and reliability. Here’s what you should know about the Lexar vs. Sandisk card debate before you go shopping for a new data…

Monopod vs Tripod – A Comparison and When to Use Each One

Monopod vs Tripod – A Comparison and When to Use Each One

You may be wondering if you need a monopod or a tripod for your photography gear, as using a slower shutter speed works best when the camera is supported and fixed in place.  We’ll discuss the monopod vs tripod distinction, provide a few tips, and suggest what works best for situations like hunting and landscape…

What is a CPL Filter? (And When To Use One)

What is a CPL Filter? (And When To Use One)

Circular polarizing filters are popular among landscape photographers. These glass filters reduce glare and reflection and help you capture deep colors, stunning skies, and transparent bodies of water. Here is what you need to know about how a circular polarizer filter works and how to get the best results when working with light polarization. What…

How to run a photography model call: Calling for Success

How to run a photography model call: Calling for Success

Learn how to run a photography model call to grow your business When you learn how to run a photography model call, you create an opportunity for growth in your business. Use a photography model call to build your portfolio, practice new skills, create social media buzz or even grow your clientele. In this tutorial,…

Why every professional photographer needs an email list

Why every professional photographer needs an email list

Use an email list to add value, gain clients and expand your reach Do you have an email list for your photography business? Why not? Is it because you think email is outdated? Or are you like me and felt intimidated by the idea of starting one? Or maybe you just don’t want to add…

Do I need photography insurance?

Do I need photography insurance?

Do you need photography insurance?  Short answer…yes. Are you prepared for the worse case business scenario?  I’m not talking some blurry shots or forgetting your ideas for posing.  I’m talking ruin your business and your personal finances kind of stuff.  That’s what photography insurance is all about – protecting you against business and personal financial…