GIMP vs Photoshop: Which is the Best Photo Editing Program?

GIMP vs Photoshop: Which is the Best Photo Editing Program?

Photo editing is an essential aspect of photography. Through editing, you can take your work to the next level. However, you are probably wondering which editing software is the best. GIMP and Photoshop both give you the ability to edit your photos, but there are advantages and disadvantages to both software. So, here is a…

Lexar vs. Sandisk: The Guide to Which SD Card is Best

Lexar vs. Sandisk: The Guide to Which SD Card is Best

There aren’t many reliable card manufacturers that make cards and other storage for high-end digital cameras. Of this small field, Lexar and Sandisk are near the top in terms of overall card performance and reliability. Here’s what you should know about the Lexar vs. Sandisk card debate before you go shopping for a new data…

How to Use the Warp Tool in Photoshop

How to Use the Warp Tool in Photoshop

The warp tool in photoshop is a quick and easy way to make some small adjustments to your image using a simple click and drag method and a few control points. Adobe Photoshop is a powerful piece of software that allows you to transform an image for any use case, including adding rights reserved symbols…

Monopod vs Tripod – A Comparison and When to Use Each One

Monopod vs Tripod – A Comparison and When to Use Each One

You may be wondering if you need a monopod or a tripod for your photography gear, as using a slower shutter speed works best when the camera is supported and fixed in place.  We’ll discuss the monopod vs tripod distinction, provide a few tips, and suggest what works best for situations like hunting and landscape…

How to Easily Use the Photoshop Patch Tool with Success

How to Easily Use the Photoshop Patch Tool with Success

If you’ve ever dealt with a damaged photo before, chances are that you have a little bit of experience with the Photoshop Patch Tool. As a “healing brush tool,” the Patch Tool can help you repair the damage, deal with blemishes, and let you get a little creative with retouching. The Patch Tool is especially…

What is a CPL Filter? (And When To Use One)

What is a CPL Filter? (And When To Use One)

Circular polarizing filters are popular among landscape photographers. These glass filters reduce glare and reflection and help you capture deep colors, stunning skies, and transparent bodies of water. Here is what you need to know about how a circular polarizer filter works and how to get the best results when working with light polarization. What…

The Ultimate Photography Guide to Understanding White Balance!

The Ultimate Photography Guide to Understanding White Balance!

If you find understanding white balance to be a mysterious concept, you are not alone. Many do. The numbers and settings used can be a little confusing if you aren’t familiar with them. In addition, this is not something we notice in our day-to-day lives. It is something that our digital camera picks up that…

What’s a gray card and why should you get one?

What’s a gray card and why should you get one?

Nail exposure and white balance with the inexpensive, practically primitive, gray card Do you struggle setting white balance during sessions?  How about nailing exposure with or without a flash?  If I told you that I could solve both your problems for less than $25, would you believe me?  It’s true.  With the help of the…

Everything you needed to know about choosing a camera strap

Everything you needed to know about choosing a camera strap

Hand strap, cross-body strap or harness? Here’s what you need to know before choosing a camera strap! I never really gave much thought to my camera strap.  I left the default yellow and black strap on my Nikon for years.  But after really getting bit by the photography bug, I decided a padded strap was…

Photo Storage Solutions to Prevent Catastrophe

Photo Storage Solutions to Prevent Catastrophe

Create a photo storage plan and eliminate your worst nightmare of lost images! Losing an image is hard.  Disappointing clients is worse.  But telling a client you’ve lost ALL their images is a freaking nightmare.  It’s a worst-case scenario that scares photographers to death and keeps us up nights.  Would your business survive a photo…

Monitor calibration: What is it and why do I need it?

Monitor calibration: What is it and why do I need it?

Use monitor calibration for better client images and prints This is how my first journey down the rabbit hole of monitor calibration began. “Were you going for a really warm portrait stylistically?  Because your images lately have been really yellow.” This was a Facebook message I got from a pro photographer friend about six years…

Adding to Your Arsenal: The Neutral Density Filter

Adding to Your Arsenal: The Neutral Density Filter

What the heck is a neutral density filter? Read below for our simple explanation! With so many tools and accessories available to photographers, it can be difficult to determine which ones to add to your photography bag. Neutral density filters are a great addition for photographers that shoot in harsh light or want more creative…

Photoshop: When photo editing goes bad!

Photoshop: When photo editing goes bad!

Ever wonder what happens when good Photoshop goes bad?  Check out how to keep your photo editing in check and on the right track! You wake to find an e-mail in your inbox titled “Photoshop: When photo editing goes bad.”  As these things are always amusing, you click on it only to find it is…