Insights of Being a Wedding Photographer & Why We Love It

Insights of Being a Wedding Photographer & Why We Love It

Ever wonder what its like to be a wedding photographer? Wedding photography means a lot of things to a lot of different people.  To some, it is quite the glamorous job, for others they think that anyone who would want to become a wedding photographer is CRAAAZY!  After-all, who would want to work with all…

Our Must-Have Wedding Photography Equipment (Updated 2019)

Our Must-Have Wedding Photography Equipment (Updated 2019)

What wedding photography equipment do you need for the big day? Ever wondered what our must-have wedding photography equipment was?  Specifically what lenses a wedding photographer should own if they are a prime lens shooter and not big on zoom lenses? If so, this post is for you. This tutorial and video are all about…

Is Nikon Transfer Not Recognizing Your Camera’s Files?

Is Nikon Transfer Not Recognizing Your Camera’s Files?

I had never had a problem with Nikon Transfer until two nights ago when I got my brand new D800 in the mail, I was so excited.  After taking a handful of sample photos I wanted to upload onto my computer and into Lightroom so I plugged in the USB cable just as I’ve done…