Wide-Angle vs Normal Lens vs Telephoto Lens: A Quick Lesson

Wide-Angle vs Normal Lens vs Telephoto Lens: A Quick Lesson

As a beginner photographer, you might be wondering what the difference is between a wide-angle lens and a normal lens. Both of these types of lenses have their own unique benefits and drawbacks, and understanding these can help you take better photos. Introduction: Understanding the Basics Let’s start with some basics. A lens is an…

Lens Review: Nikon 50mm 1.8 D vs 1.8 G

Lens Review: Nikon 50mm 1.8 D vs 1.8 G

Nikon is a popular camera that’s compatible with multiple lenses. A standard DSLR lens is the 50mm Nikon 1.8. There are two variations of these lenses: the D or the G. The f 1.8 D is the older edition of the 50mm 1.8 Nikon lens, while the G is a newer, more updated version. There…

Photography CRM: How to Wow Clients and Stay on Track

Photography CRM: How to Wow Clients and Stay on Track

A few weeks ago, a fellow photographer posed the question “What do you wish you’d done differently when you started your business?” My answer?  Use a photography CRM sooner to start my client relationships out on the best foot possible and keep track of all my business things! What is a photography CRM and how…

What are the Best Nikon Lenses for Portraits?

What are the Best Nikon Lenses for Portraits?

Who doesn’t love a classic portrait? When you want to snap the ideal shot, you definitely need the right portrait lenses for your camera. For those of you shooting on Nikons, finding the best Nikon lens for portraits could feel like a challenge, but there are plenty of choices to land you that dream portrait….

Explore the Best Lenses for Wildlife Photography

Explore the Best Lenses for Wildlife Photography

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just a novice looking to delve into the fascinating realm of wildlife photography, finding the right equipment to get the job done can be tricky. A wide variety of lenses are readily available on the market, ready to take the photography of any wildlife enthusiast to the next level….

Best Lens for Landscape Photography – A Buyer’s Guide for Beginners

Best Lens for Landscape Photography – A Buyer’s Guide for Beginners

Almost every photographer I know, even those specializing in portraits or action photography, has a soft spot for landscapes.  There’s just something about nature and sunsets and vistas that captures our imagination and prompts creativity.  Even if you just dabble in landscape images, you’ll want a lens to help translate that vision before you into…

11 Types of Lenses Explained!

11 Types of Lenses Explained!

Ever get confused when it comes to the many types of lenses? Let’s make it simple! Even if you’ve been in the photography world for years, you may not be experienced with many types of camera lenses. The truth is, many lenses are expensive, so we often choose a type of photography and then pick…

Dog Photography Tips for Every Animal Lover

Dog Photography Tips for Every Animal Lover

Photoshoots for pets have become a trend worth noting, and our dog photography tips will give you the information you need to get the look you want. You can use these pet photography tips for all kinds of pets and shoots both indoors and outside. Plan a List of Shots It’s a great idea to…

Bird Photography For Beginners

Bird Photography For Beginners

Before we jump into some great bird photography tips, I must warn you…this pastime is highly addictive.  You might not know a red-tailed hawk from a red-breasted nuthatch right now, but after a few photo sessions with our feathered friends, you might just become hooked. Soon, you’ll want to know ALL THE THINGS about all…

Nikon 24-120 mm f/4 lens review: Love it or Leave it?

Nikon 24-120 mm f/4 lens review: Love it or Leave it?

Full-frame glorified kit lens or budget-friendly professional choice?  I weigh in on whether to love or leave the Nikon 24 120mm f/4G ED VR. When I upgraded to a full frame camera, I had the option for purchasing the Nikon 24 120mm f/4G ED at a deep discount if I bundled the Nikon 24 120mm…

The Nikon 200-500 mm f/5.6 lens: A budget wildlife/sports lens?

The Nikon 200-500 mm f/5.6 lens: A budget wildlife/sports lens?

Thinking about a mega zoom?  Here’s a Nikon 200-500mm f/5.6e lens review If you’re a wildlife photographer, nature photographer, or sports photographer, sometimes you want to fill the frame with your subject.  Problem is, you can’t always get closer to your subject. That’s where super-telephoto lenses or a mega zoom like the Nikon 20- 500mm…

What Qualifies as a Headshot?

What Qualifies as a Headshot?

A client calls saying she needs some new headshots.  You agree and book a session for her.  The only problem?  You’re not entirely sure what defines a headshot!  Is it just a head and shoulders shot?  Head with some torso?  Argh!   What Qualifies as a Headshot An image qualifies as a “headshot” if its primary…

Learn About the Best Lens For Product Photography

Learn About the Best Lens For Product Photography

There are countless lens options out there, but only a few qualify as one of the best lenses for product photography. Here are our top recommendations for lenses, and some additional information for businesses about understanding and buying lenses for cameras. Keep in mind that most lenses do not fit all cameras. Regardless of its…

Introducing the Best Wide-Angle Lens for Nikon

Introducing the Best Wide-Angle Lens for Nikon

Finding the best wide-angle lens for Nikon cameras can feel like a tedious, time-consuming journey. However, if you’re armed with the right information from the start, you’re more likely to enjoy the shopping experience and come away with a high image quality lens that fits your camera and your life perfectly. Prime Lens Options Sigma…

What is the Difference Between a Portrait and a Headshot?

What is the Difference Between a Portrait and a Headshot?

Are all headshots portraits?  Why are portraits not headshots?  It’s sort of like one of those high school English quizzes!  If you’re not sure what makes a headshot and what makes a portrait, you aren’t alone!  We break it down for you in this article. What is the Difference Between a Portrait and a Headshot?…