What is a CR2 File and How to Convert It

What is a CR2 File and How to Convert It

Canon is a leader in digital imaging, with top-of-the-line cameras used by photographers around the world. However, not all graphic artists are unfamiliar with Canon’s file extensions. Many find themselves asking the question: What is a CR2 file? This article will cover the basics of a CR2 file, how to open an image, and how…

Engagement Photo Poses: The Ultimate List

Engagement Photo Poses: The Ultimate List

Stuck in a rut with posing for engagement sessions?  Just need a few new engagement photo poses and ideas?  We’ve got you covered!  Below you’ll find some great photo ideas on posing couples (not even just those newly engaged photos). From the classic traditional look that moms everywhere adore to fun and silly scenes, we’ll…

11 Engagement Photo Tips for Nailing Magazine Worthy Photos

11 Engagement Photo Tips for Nailing Magazine Worthy Photos

Stressed out about your upcoming engagement sessions? Don’t! We’re here to help with our 11 engagement photo tips for getting the perfect photos! So you’re probably more amped about this day than soon-to-be-married couples! You’ve scoured videos and researched posing until your eyes fall out. Here are a few quick engagement photo tips to ease…

Best Noise Reducing Software for Photographers

Best Noise Reducing Software for Photographers

All photographs have noise that affects the quality of the picture. Whether you’re a beginner, amateur, or professional, knowing how to reduce noise in your photos is essential.  Even if you minimize noise when taking a shot, you may need to use the best noise reduction software to enhance your image. There are several noise…

Software for Photographers: Best Duplicate Photo Finder

Software for Photographers: Best Duplicate Photo Finder

Looking back on old photos, it’s sometimes hard to believe you ever thought it was a good idea to take so many pictures of the same thing. Sure, having duplicate photos is helpful at the time; it gives you the chance to pick the best of the bunch of photos to print, send, or post. …

Free Editing Options: Darktable vs RawTherapee

Free Editing Options: Darktable vs RawTherapee

Two free Photoshop alternatives — DarkTable vs Rawtherapee come together to compete for your time and attention. They both offer photo-editing capabilities beyond your phone’s simple editor, and they both produce some fantastic results. So which one is for you? Let’s take a look at each of the features to see which one might be…

The Ultimate Introduction to Shooting Sports Photography

The Ultimate Introduction to Shooting Sports Photography

Do you thrive on competition?  Love the energy, excitement, and physicality of sports?  Then sports photography might be the right play for you (pun fully intended!) There are lots of great reasons to make sports photography your passion.  Your kids, your job, or your desire for a new market.  Or maybe you just love playing,…

How to Organize Pictures: 4 Workflow Methods for Photographers

How to Organize Pictures: 4 Workflow Methods for Photographers

Get your act together to organize pictures now using one of these four methods and save time and frustration down the road. A local business calls and asks if you have some images they could use in an advertisement.  They’ve seen your work and are interested in a beautiful sunset shot on the river from…

Best Photography Apps for Android and iPhone: Personal Assistant Edition

Best Photography Apps for Android and iPhone: Personal Assistant Edition

How do professional photographers keep everything organized? Between the appointments, advertising, social media sharing, and accounting there is so much to keep track of. Luckily we’ve compiled a list of the best photography apps out there to keep you organized AND provide you with helpful information when planning your shoots. What apps do professional photographers…

Best Photo Apps for Android and iPhone: Photo Editing Edition

Best Photo Apps for Android and iPhone: Photo Editing Edition

Do you have some free time away from home and wish you could edit some photos on your computer? We’ve got great news! There are a plethora of mobile apps available to edit on the go. We’ve compiled a list of the best photo apps available to photographers on Android and iPhone. No computers needed….

Shutter Speed: The Most Useful Setting for Great Sports Photography

Shutter Speed: The Most Useful Setting for Great Sports Photography

 Interested in sports photography?! We’ve got you covered! Typically, the name of the game in sports photography is being able to capture intense action and freeze a moment in time. Many people will ask, “What settings are best for sports photography?” As in any type of photography, the exact settings will depend on many variables…

The Key to a Blazing Fast Lightroom Workflow

The Key to a Blazing Fast Lightroom Workflow

We all want to edit our photos faster.  Perhaps you are tired of spending 5 minutes (or more) per photo in Photoshop or maybe you are fumbling your way through Lightroom and you know there has to be a better way… At any rate – I have yet to meet someone who isn’t looking to…

What Exactly is a Lightroom Workflow?

What Exactly is a Lightroom Workflow?

For many of us seasoned photographers it can become quite easy to throw around terminology and words as if we all are speaking a brand new language but the truth is, not everyone knows that language… This quick post is to do one thing and one thing only – give you insight into what exactly…