Has Social Media Helped or Hurt the Photography Industry?

Has Social Media Helped or Hurt the Photography Industry?

We live in a society of constant communication. We’re plugged in to everyone from our loved ones to celebrities broadcasting their day to day happenings in an unending stream of hashtags and filtered photographs. Now that Instagram has joined society and decided to “screw the square,” let’s discuss the liberated rectangular elephant in the room:…

The Best Way to Find Your Ideal Clients

The Best Way to Find Your Ideal Clients

For most of us, when first starting our photography businesses, we aren’t too picky about exactly “who” our clients are.  Rightfully so, in the beginning, we are focused primarily on building our portfolio, gaining experience and making some money to help offset the costs of our new and often growing collection of equipment.  That’s totally…

How to Edit Newborn Photos in Lightroom in only 65 Seconds!

How to Edit Newborn Photos in Lightroom in only 65 Seconds!

A couple months ago I posted a question on the Cole’s Classroom Facebook group asking what is the one area within newborn photography that people struggle with the most.  Nearly all the responses were related to the photo editing process taking forever. Not a huge surprise…  Many told me that hours would be spent fine tuning…

The Essential Newborn Lightroom Presets Collection is Here!

The Essential Newborn Lightroom Presets Collection is Here!

Up until recently to be an effective Newborn Photographer you had to be a master artist within Photoshop spending an abundance of time editing photos, perfecting the soft, airy, and timeless look that we all love for these little angels.  Not to mention having to spend a tremendous amount of time retouching skin blemishes inherent…